Freebie: Dark Drop Down Navigation Menu (PSD)

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Dark Drop Down Navigation Menu is the freebie of the day. It has a glossy black design with slight transparency to make it look like a black glass. It has two sub drop down menus. You can use this PSD to code up a nice jQuery or Flash animated menu. PSD file is well grouped and layered so it is easy to use.  All resources are created by PremiumCoding and are free of charge with little restriction. If you would like to show support please take a look at some of our WP plugins and Flash files.

Drop Down Navigation Menu

[download id=”142″]

All resources made available under category Freebies on PremiumCoding are free for use in both personal and commercial projects.

You may freely use resources, without restriction, in software programs, web templates and other materials intended for sale or distribution. No attribution or backlinks are required, but it’s always nice to be credited. Any links or nice words are always appreciated.

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