WordPress Theme Collections

Best Gaming Affiliate WordPress Themes 2020

If you are familiar with the online gaming market, you know that this is an especially competitive and lucrative...

20 Design Elements To Craft a Perfect Blog 2020

Ever found yourself looking for stock photos online with zero results? Or maybe, you once needed artistic Photoshop brushes...

24 Best Responsive Pizzeria WordPress Themes 2020

Now, who doesn’t like a good pizza? At this point that food is so beloved that it might be...

16 Tech Blog WordPress Themes 2020

With any of these flexible and responsive tech blog WordPress themes, you can start your project sooner rather than...


A comprehensive tutorial on creating WordPress theme using Bootstrap

A perfectly designed theme has the caliber of adding a unique tint of elegance and professionalism even into the...

How To Make A Torrent File

Making a torrent is one of the most efficient methods of file transfers on the internet. While the process...

A Simple And Actionable Guide To eCommerce SEO!

So, you’re thinking SEO! Your site is up and running. The product shots look great. The prices are unbeatable....

Flash AS3 Tutorial: Rolling Newspaper effect

This is the last part of our Flash 3D rotations tutorial. Please check other chapters of our tutorial to...

WordPress SEO

PPC and Remarketing: How to Boost Your Sales

PPC marketing is also known as Pay Per Click marketing, and it is a specific type of internet marketing...

Why SEO can be very profitable

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is a massive sub industry within Internet Marketing.  It seems everywhere that you turn there...

SEO Fundamentals for Web Designers

There’s no question that search engine optimization, or SEO, is a major consideration for any website. When your website...

The Beginner’s Guide to Finding an SEO-friendly Theme

As a business owner, when do you think is the right time to implement a search engine optimization (SEO)...

Currently browsing: css3 tricks tag

CSS3 Tricks: Falling Leaves Animation with CSS only

In today’s tutorial, we will create Falling leaves animation effect without any help of javascript. When I started playing with CSS3 I never thought that I could make such fascinating animations with it. I made falling leaves animation in both Flash and Javascript but I never thought that it is possible to make it with CSS3 only. …

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Mask overlaying is a very powerful feature in CSS. In our example we will present the content of website (made from a screenshot) in a laptop with a nice smooth animation that will slowly reveal the content of the whole website. I have used this for a preview of our latest WordPress WooCommerce Theme, called …

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In today’s tutorial we will create a set of featured boxes that will create a nice text flying effect when you move your mouse over them. We will take advantage of the CSS3 custom animations and create a set of our own animations. I recommend that you download the source files first and check the live …

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Recently we developed a simple Twitter widget for WordPress. I wanted to bring a little life into it so I created an animated Bird that moves each time you hover over the certain Tweet in the widget. This is a very simple CSS3 trick and doesn’t need any advanced knowledge of HTML or CSS. I recommend …

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In previous article of our CSS3 Tricks column I showed you how to create rounded buttons and then animate them with CSS3 only. In today’s tutorial we will make animated hover effects on images without any help of javascript. In our last example we will even make a simple 3D flip. I recommend that you …

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