WordPress Theme Collections

15 Best Personal Brand WordPress Themes 2020

Take any of these best personal brand WordPress themes to your total advantage and start pushing the boundaries. With...

Top 13 ThemeRex Based WordPress Themes From ThemeForest 2020

If you are on a limited budget, but you still want the quality of your web project to be...

12 Best Content Curation WordPress Themes 2020

If you truly want your website to have the best potential to go viral, you should consider content curation...

32 Best WordPress Blog Themes For You 2021

If you are an enthusiastic blogger or you plan to become one, we handpicked a collection of the best...


CSS3 Tricks: Animated Hover Effects (3D Flip)

In previous article of our CSS3 Tricks column I showed you how to create rounded buttons and then animate...

WordPress Tutorial: How to add a custom style to WordPress Admin?

In this tutorial, I will show you how to add a custom style to WordPress admin. In our example,...

Flash AS3 Tutorial: Random Puzzle Effect

Recently we got quite a few questions about how the random puzzle animation (if you scroll through months) on...

CSS3 Tricks: Falling Leaves Animation with CSS only

In today’s tutorial, we will create Falling leaves animation effect without any help of javascript. When I started playing with...

WordPress SEO

6 Most Important Keyword Research Tools For SEO

Keyword Research is an art. It is a critical as well as fundamental part of the Search Engine Optimization....

Wix SEO Battle – Who Will Take Home $25K?

A Wix SEO battle between Lovers and Haters worth $25k I read a few times already that Wix websites...

Backlinks building is important part of SEO

When you study search engine optimization (SEO), backlinks are one of the most important aspects to consider. Link building...

Why SEO can be very profitable

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is a massive sub industry within Internet Marketing.  It seems everywhere that you turn there...

Currently browsing: Tutorials (Page 5)

Tutorials about CSS, HTML and WordPress all presented in one place. We are especially proud on great CSS tricks.

Businesses looking to smarten up their website’s design are warming up to the typography enhancement. That said, there still exists a large section of webmasters who pay attention to multiple aspects like the tonality of the website, the navigational structure, the logo design, the sidebar design and so on, but, end up overlook the typography …

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It’s been almost twelve years that .NET has came into existence. Disposing off objects has always remained a challenged for .NET developers. Thanks to the emergence of Idisposable, these developers can now implement, use and dispose off the objects in a hassle-free way. The all-new .NET 2.0 version has actually changed all the rules revolving …

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Data organization and access are two of the most crucial parts of any web development project. Thanks to the unstoppable advancements in the field of web technology, today we have numerous tools that can help us in organizing and accessing data in a flawless format. JSON is one such incredibly effective tool that  is simple …

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Fonts are an important part of the website you are planning to design. You will see that WordPress websites have limited, or default fonts present for you to choose from. At times, themes have only one set of fonts that you cannot shy away from. At such times, you would want to have a way …

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If you are developing WordPress Themes or starting to customize your WordPress site, you will often find, that you need a custom post meta field when you are customizing posts in WordPress Themes. It can be a simple label, text field or a more advanced one, like an option to add the widely popular Revolution …

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