PremiumCoding WordPress Themes Affiliate Program
Earn Money by Promoting Your Favorite Themes! When you join our affiliate program, you will be supplied with a range of banners and textual links that you place within your site. You can, of course, make your own banner and textual ads. When a user clicks on one of your links, they will be brought to our website and their activity will be tracked by our affiliate software. You will earn a commission based on your commission type. Our program is free to join, it’s easy to sign-up and requires no technical knowledge.
High Commission %
Affiliates are our partners and we want you to make the most out of it too. That is why we offer one of the highest commission percentages of any WordPress Theme company on the net. You start with 40% and with each sale you can progress higher on the scale up to 50% of each sale, which is nearly double the industry standard. Check the table below to see exactly how many referrals you need to achieve the whopping 50%.
Renewal Commissions
Unlike many other companies, we also pay out commissions on yearly and monthly renewals. This means that you will continue making money each year/month as customers pay their yearly renewal fees to continue using our amazing themes.
Promotion, promotion!
Earn Money by Promoting Your Favorite Themes! When you join our affiliate program, you will be supplied with a range of banners and textual links that you place within your site.
You start with 40% and with each sale you can progress higher on the scale up to 50% of each sale, which is nearly double the industry standard. Check the table below to see exactly how many referrals you need to achieve the whopping 50%.
0-4 | 40 |
5-30 | 41 |
30-60 | 42 |
60-100 | 43 |
100-150 | 44 |
150-200 | 45 |
200-300 | 46 |
300-500 | 47 |
500-1000 | 48 |
1000-2000 | 49 |
2000+ | 50 |
We will pay your Affiliate Program earnings from the Affiliate Program in line with the payment rates into your members’ statement. In order for us to do this, you authorize us to collect payments for your new user referrals, credit your members’ statements with your earnings, and distribute your earnings to you. Payments will be made every 20th of the month for the past month. The minimal payout amount is $50.
Please note that due to the latest chargeback scams on credit cards, payments may be delayed up to 120 days (chargeback period on most cards).
- PremiumCoding uses cookies to track users who have clicked on your link, so they must have cookies enabled.
- If a user clears their cookies, they will no longer be tracked.
- If a user clicks on your referral link and then later, they click another, the cut will still be yours.
- Once a user clicks a link, they have 90 days to sign up before the cookie expires.
- Earnings from the affiliate program appear in your Premiumcoding affiliate account.
- If a user has visited Premiumcoding before and then clicks a referral link, it does not count.