PremiumCoding Crypto Coins WordPress Plugin
Exchange rateCompare chartsReal time graphsTickerPayment in BitCoinsDonationsExchange rates version 2 - NEWCrypto Hover - NEW
Exchange rates examples
1 ETH = | 3372.48000 USD |
1 ETH = | 0.03324000 BTC |
1 ETH = | 3279.03000 EUR |
1 ETH = | 2768.62000 GBP |
1 ETH = | 24.4500000 LTC |
1 ETH = | 5437.91000 AUD |
1 ETH = | 4862.33000 CAD |
1 BTC = | 30.0700000 ETH |
1 BTC = | 1.00000000 BTC |
1 BTC = | 98626.2600 EUR |
1 BTC = | 83297.1600 GBP |
1 BTC = | 735.280000 LTC |
1 BTC = | 163534.4500 AUD |
1 BTC = | 146191.8500 CAD |
1 LTH = | 0.00002102 USD |
1 LTH = | 0.00000000 BTC |
1 LTH = | 0.00002044 EUR |
1 LTH = | 0.00001726 GBP |
1 LTH = | 0.00000001 ETH |
1 LTH = | 0.00003384 AUD |
1 LTH = | 0.00003023 CAD |
Compare graphs examples
Simple price chart with one option:
Advanced price chart with multiple options:
Available options for this shortcode:
For time attribution:
- 1 Day = 1d
- 1 Month = 1m
- 3 Months = 3m
- 1 Year = 1y
- 5 Years = 5y
- MAX = max
Real time graphs examples
Real Time Graph (Candles style and time set to one day):
Real Time Graph (Bar style and time set to 3 minutes):
Available options for this shortcode:
For time attribution:
- 1 Day = D
- 1 Week = W
- 1 minute = 1
- 30 minute = 30
- 1 hour = 60
- 2 hours = 120
For style attribute:
- Bars = 0
- Candles = 1
- Line = 2
- Area = 3
- Line Break = 7
Ticker example
Crypto Ticker version 1 example
Crypto Ticker version 3 example — NEW
Crypto ticker version 3 demo exaples
- (BTC) (98626.424120408)2.66%
- (ETH) (3279.2039199706)1.8%
- (XMR) (214.80042094432)3.9%
- (LTC) (134.12938269884)16.04%
- (XPR) (0.0013966257248466)1.79%
- (VIB) (0.082877462935549)0.59%
- (VIBE) (0.00085804988984755)59.5%
- (NEBL) (0.0065508455254326)-2.3%
- (XRP) (3.2100659957355)6.99%
- (XVG) (0.013382028347048)0.41%
- (TRX) (0.23732719909839)4.34%
- (NEO) (16.275103196898)2.91%
Available options for this shortcode:
For position attribute:
- auto = inline style
- fixed-bottom – = bottom position
- fixed-top – top poistion
For background attribute:
- background color in format #ffffff
Payment of $5 example
You can set the price in the shortcode. We used $5 in our example.
Please enter order details:
Donation example
To donate bitcoin, scan the QR code or copy and paste the bitcoin wallet address:
Thank you!
Exchange rates version 2 example
Hover example