Creating a Website for Your Business

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Probably, the only thing that has reached all parts of the world is the internet and this is the reason why this is the favorite place of businessmen to market their goods.  Business owners these days feel the need to invest in a website as this is the easiest and perhaps the cheapest means to reach their market internationally.  In our current economy, businesses will be truly successful if they will operate the traditional way and, at the same time, online.  Before, the internet only was used as a marketing tool, but now, it has already become the virtual office of most businesses that is open 24 hours a day without incurring additional operating expenses for the salaries of employees.

Creating a well-designed and appealing website is a tedious task, unless you decide to get the services of a web design expert.  If you prefer designing your own website, it is really important that you know the different terminologies often used in web designing and understand fully what these words mean.  Some of these terms include website, web development and web design.

A website basically embodies the business itself.  It contains comprehensive information regarding the business as well as the products or services that it’s offering.  Web development pertains to the technical aspects involved in setting up a website.  The main task in web development is search engine optimization (or SEO), which is practically used in attracting more traffic to a website and converting them from visitors to customers.  On the other hand, web design means the process of creating an attractive website in accordance with the standards of web users.

Here are the steps in creating a website:

  •  Website Creation. In this step, you have to identify the product or service that you’ll be featuring on your website.  After which, you need to conduct a product and market research to ensure that your chosen product will boom in the market.  Once your product is finalized, you may now register your domain name and your IP address as well. Pay special attention to domain name as it can significantly improve rankings on certain keyword. It can also help increase visibility of your brand.
  • Web design.  When designing your website, you have to see to it that it possesses appeal, ease of navigation and interesting contents.  As much as possible, the downloading time must not take long and you must make sure that there are no broken links.  Most web users prefer contents with graphics rather than text alone. However, you have to control your use of graphics as this can affect your downloading speed. In days of Youtube, Vimeo and other video hosts you can also build video presentations to increase visual appeal of your site.
  • Updating.  If you want to gain regular visitors, make it a point to update your website regularly with informative, fresh and unique contents.
  •  Web development.  For a website to be profitable, you have to optimize your website.  There are a lot of SEO techniques that you can use, such as content creation, article submission, forum posting, link building, etc.
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