WordPress Theme Collections

24 Best Responsive Pizzeria WordPress Themes 2020

Now, who doesn’t like a good pizza? At this point that food is so beloved that it might be...

13 Best E-commerce WordPress Themes for 2020

A big reason for converting HTML to WordPress or migrating from other formats is to easily start an online...

Top 13 ThemeRex Based WordPress Themes From ThemeForest 2020

If you are on a limited budget, but you still want the quality of your web project to be...

8 Splendid Car Dealer Website Templates 2020

If you are looking for the best car dealer website templates, this neat collection will do the trick. According...


Flash AS3 Tutorial: Masking Preloader

Have you ever wondered how preloader effect with filling color is made? Or how we fill an empty glass...

Flash AS3 Tutorial: 3D Blur Fix

In second part of our Flash AS3 3D Flip Tutorial we will take a look at unwanted blur effect...

CSS3 Tricks: Falling Leaves Animation with CSS only

In today’s tutorial, we will create Falling leaves animation effect without any help of javascript. When I started playing with...

Creating the Google Fonts Effect with WordPress

Fonts are an important part of the website you are planning to design. You will see that WordPress websites...

WordPress SEO

Underestimated Methods of SEO

Since 2000’s the Internet is no longer a way to find the information but now it has turned into...

Role of Infographics in Website Design

The success of your website depends on how many inbound links are generated towards the website. In other words...

5 Reasons to Earn Money as a SEO Specialist

In today’s fast-paced world, choosing the right niche for business or picking the right profession can be a real...

A Simple And Actionable Guide To eCommerce SEO!

So, you’re thinking SEO! Your site is up and running. The product shots look great. The prices are unbeatable....

Currently browsing: navigation menu tag

Today’s freebie is  a professionally designed navigation menu in PSD format. Fonts used are Open Sans for the Logo and main menu (which is a part of Google Web Font Library) and Arial for the small description text under the menu items. All resources are created by PremiumCoding and are free of charge with little restriction. If you would like to show support please …

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Today’s freebie is a set of navigation menus with notification bars. It has a glossy design with slight transparency to make it look like glass. Navigation menu comes in four color variations. You can use this PSD to code up a nice jQuery or Flash animated menu. Notification bar can be used to present your …

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Dark Drop Down Navigation Menu is the freebie of the day. It has a glossy black design with slight transparency to make it look like a black glass. It has two sub drop down menus. You can use this PSD to code up a nice jQuery or Flash animated menu. PSD file is well grouped and …

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Nour Navigation Menu is the third edition of the Nour series, a premium PSD website template that we are currently developing. Template will consist of four separate parts that we will upload in the upcoming days and will allow you to build your own template. In the end we will publish a complete Website Template which will be available on our …

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