WordPress Theme Collections

20+ Best Construction WordPress Themes 2020

In this day and age pretty much every business needs to be online. That said, we personally handpicked a...

14 Best Portfolio WordPress Themes for Artists 2021

Instead of undergoing a tedious process of starting from scratch, choose from these best portfolio WordPress themes for artists...

24 Best Cute Kindergarten WordPress Themes 2020

If you are building a website for nursery, pre-school, primary/elementary school, kindergarten, child care, day care, children art and...

Best WordPress Themes for Musicians 2020

WordPress is known to be one of the most popular and powerful Content Management Systems out there. WordPress was...


Optimize Your WordPress Site with the Transients API: A Detailed Guide

If you’re a WordPress savvy developer, you’ve definitely heard the word “Transients” at least once. Transients provide you a...

How To Install Analytics To WordPress Website

How to include Google Analytics to your WordPress site and its benefits To have a competitive digital edge, the...

LimeWire’s Transformation: From File-Sharing to AI-based Content Creation

LimeWire, the once-popular file-sharing platform, has taken a leap into the future. It has reinvented itself as an innovative...

CSS3 Tricks: Animated Twitter Bird

Recently we developed a simple Twitter widget for WordPress. I wanted to bring a little life into it so...

WordPress SEO

Wix SEO Battle – Who Will Take Home $25K?

A Wix SEO battle between Lovers and Haters worth $25k I read a few times already that Wix websites...

SEO Fundamentals for Web Designers

There’s no question that search engine optimization, or SEO, is a major consideration for any website. When your website...

Top 3 benefits of using a SEO Agency

You may have heard the recent hype that because of Google’s ever-changing algorithms, SEO doesn’t have a future, but...

7 Practical SEO Mistakes That Can Lower Your Google Ranking

Search engine optimization (SEO) is one of the most frequently used acronyms of our era. It’s a genuine buzzword...

Currently browsing: SEO (Page 6)

Everything SEO related in one spot. A very important factor for every website is to how it ranks in search engines.

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is a massive sub industry within Internet Marketing.  It seems everywhere that you turn there are more and more people offering you products, services and advice on how to increase your SEO – all for a price of course! But for many people it can be hard to understand why SEO is so …

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When you study search engine optimization (SEO), backlinks are one of the most important aspects to consider. Link building is vitally important in terms of search engine rankings. It plays a major role in having a successful website with a lot of visitors from organic search (Google, Bing,etc.). So what exactly are backlinks and why …

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Link baiting is a term that’s been thrown around a lot in the last few years by various bloggers and webmasters. One post reads that if you can’t build your links naturally then create some link bait. It’s really no more than one of those blanket phrases used for describing some tricks for driving one-way …

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Everybody involved with internet marketing has heard that ‘content is king’, especially when you are dealing with SEO techniques. The reason you hear this so much is because there is truth in it. As simple as it may sound the quality of your website content is what will rule the day for you. HOW TO …

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